A First Course in Linear Algebra

Come for the price, stay for the quality


A key feature of A First Course in Linear Algebra is its open license, which provides the source code freely and publicly, in part to encourage useful modifications and corrections. This can be as simple as sending me an email with a typographical error, as many have done. Or you might wish to fork the repository and send me a pull request, if that means anything to you (do not worry if it does not, you can still help!).

The links below will help you get started.

  1. You can gain a sense of the nature and pace of development from the latest version of the change log. The pace is much quicker when I am actually teaching the course (and my students are finding typos!)
  2. Source code (in XML) is publicly available from the GitHub site as a Git repository.
  3. Specifically, the latest version of the source can be obtained from the GitHub site straightaway as a zip file.
  4. The skunk works page, which debuted as part of the Version 3 project, contains news and content on experimental versions.