Section NLT: Nilpotent Linear Transformations
NLT Nilpotent Linear Transformation
JB Jordan Block
Section IS: Invariant Subspaces
IS Invariant Subspace
GEV Generalized Eigenvector
GES Generalized Eigenspace
LTR Linear Transformation Restriction
IE Index of an Eigenvalue
Section JCF: Jordan Canonical Form
JCF Jordan Canonical Form
Section ROD: Rank One Decomposition
Section TD: Triangular Decomposition
Section SVD: Singular Value Decomposition
SV Singular Values
Section SR: Square Roots
SRM Square Root of a Matrix
Section POD: Polar Decomposition
Section F: Fields
F Field
IMP Integers Modulo a Prime
Section T: Trace
T Trace
Section HP: Hadamard Product
HP Hadamard Product
HID Hadamard Identity
HI Hadamard Inverse
Section VM: Vandermonde Matrix
VM Vandermonde Matrix
Section PSM: Positive Semi-Definite Matrices
PSM Positive Semi-Definite Matrix
Section CF: Curve Fitting
LSS Least Squares Solution
Section SAS: Sharing a Secret